Doug Seaberg, Vice President Dardis CommunicationsDoug@dardiscommunications.com
Thank you very much for a great presentation. Doug helped us all learn what is important to delivering great sales presentations and speaking as well as you think.
New Member & Special Recognition
Sharon Cox – Sharon_cox@us.aflac.comSharon is with AFLAC and everyone welcome her aboard as our newest member!
Returning Guests:
Bill Fritzpatrick bill@wdfsolutions.net Quickbooks Consultant & Book Keeping SpecialistMembers:
- You can't build a reputation on things you will do...
- Well done is better than well said.
- It's not the mountain that we climb, it is ourselves.
- How soon "not-now" become "never" - Martin Luther
- A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a foolish man can learn from a wise answer.
Book Recommendations:
- Start With Why
- The Barefoot Executive
- The Challenger Sale