Don't Look Back!

The sales gods appear to be smiling on my career and I am like the small dog going through high oats or in Kansas, Wheat.  He has to keep jumping up to see where he is going and if he’s making any progress towards his goal.  With Mike Montague reworking our Web Site, thank you Michael, and some people with checks in their hands, life is pretty hectic and very good.
A friend of mine gave me some help to get a message out to Sales Pros this week when he sent me a  quote that can be found somewhere on a Web Site called
f you wondered, as I did, where these Web sayings were coming from, now you know.  I believe that everyone will agree with this saying:

Don't Look Back! You Are Not Going That Way...

Have a great day and remember that there is a reason the rearview mirror in your car is so small.  You have to be able to see what is behind you to move lanes, but you will spend most of your time looking through that big front window of your car which is heading towards the future.  Mel

What is the best advice that you have ever gotten?

The number of years that are represented in our Sales Professional Group is very impressive. I would guestimate that we have over 700 years of sales call experience, when our entire group gets together.

I would like to know what is the best piece of advice that you received in your professional career?

Who gave you that advice and what has been the impact on your career?

If that person called you and said, “I’m here in Kansas City and I would like to get together with you.” How would you say thanks?  What else would you talk about in that meeting?

There is no article to read today, I just ask you to take time to consider this ponderable.  

I have the round table in September and I would like to make this the topic of discussion.   

Enjoy the day

Mel Carney

Conversations Matter!

Special Thanks to our guest speaker today, Don Gallagher!

Learn more about Don and his business at 

Also, thank you to our many guests who attended their first Sales Professional meeting, and our 4 new members!

Good selling, everyone!

Sales Pro Edumacation

Dave Whiting who is long time friend and confidant sent me this short story.  David hired and trained me to sell computer software back in the late 70’s. Today, even as competitors for the same business, our friendship has grown and flourished over the years. To keep in touch, we find quotes and stories that have a lesson and pass them along to each other. This is one of the latest stories passed.

It seems as if this farmer was asked a very simple question by one of the town know-it-alls. 
The question to the farmer was, If you had 11 sheep and one jumped over the fence, how many would you have left. 

The farmer quickly answered “None”.  To which the know-it-all then smartly responded, Well, you don't know your arithmetic at all.
The farmer smiled and said, That may be true, but I surely know my sheep!

Mel Carney